Indoor playground

Book your children's next party here

The indoor playground is available on Saturday to book for your child/s next party. Booking is only available on Saturday from 10:00am-1:00pm

Play Ground Rules

1. Children must be supervised by a parent/guardian at all times.
2. The party host is not there to monitor children.
3. All children and adults must wear socks.
4. Please include this in your invitations.
5. No food, drinks, or gum allowed in playground.
6. Please follow all posted playground Rules.
7. Play at your own risk.
8. The party host has the right to enforce the posted playground rules

Jerica Holmes


About Us

The Preschool Ministry is filled with loving volunteers who provide a safe place for young ones to learn Bible stories, sing worship songs, and enjoy hands-on learning experiences.
Walnut Ridge Baptist Church strives to provide a safe and secure environment for the minors who participate in our programs and activities, whether at authorized off-campus events or at church property. By following these practices, our goal is to protect the children and students of Walnut Ridge Baptist Church from incidents of misconduct or inappropriate behavior, while providing excellence in ministry to families. We intend for our church to be the safest place in town. All volunteers who come in contact with minors are screened and trained: (1) Submit to background check every two years; (2) Attend child safety training; (3) Take child safety test upon completion of training. These training materials are available upon request.