360 Campus: Starting at 8am, come grab a muffin, pastry or some fruit in the foyer to build up that strength. Then meet us out on the lawn outside of the South building at 8:30am for a special time of worship and prayer before heading to your projects.

Indoor Service Opportunities 360 Campus

Beaney, Paul - Walnut Ridge, Room 250 - Prepare sack lunches for Union Gospel Mission 
Bello, Kara - 5100 South Collins - Sorting, Cleaning, and Pricing at Metroplex Women's Clinic Resale Shop 
Broseh, Larry - 150 S 6th Ave, Mansfield, TX 76063 - HIM Center Packing and Sorting
Butler, Skip - Walnut Ridge, Choir Room - Repackage rice and beans for HIM Center
Glover, Joe - Walnut Ridge, Choir Room - Repackage rice and beans for HIM Center
Groves, David - 2424 N Grand Peninsula Dr, Grand Prairie, TX 75054 - Singing, Games and Devotional at Oxford Glenn Memory Care
Guyer, Rob - 200 East Debbie Lane - Singing, Games and Devotional at Watercrest Memory Care 
King, Linda - Walnut Ridge, Next Step Room - Prepare sack lunches for Union Gospel Mission
Loudermilk, Greg - 1013 Brook Arbor Drive - Install bathroom handrail 
Loudermilk, Greg and Jamison, Rex - 2281 Country Club Drive - Singing, games and devotional at Walnut Creek Assisted Living 
Melton, Rodney - 150 S 6th Ave, Mansfield, TX 76063 - HIM Center Packing and Sorting
Oliver, Charlie - 1315 Highway 1187 #115, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Allies in Youth Development sorting and packing boxes
Phillips, Dave - 703 East Broad - Sorting and Cleaning at Mansfield Mission Center Thrift Shop 
Slay Jr, Louis - 901 West Broad - Painting at Mansfield Mission Center 
Smith, Dan - 354 Matlock Road - Singing, Games and Devotional at Cedar Bluff Assisted Living 
Sutton, Tammy - 5910 I-20 Arlington - Sorting, Cleaning and Pricing at Metroplex Women's Clinic Resale Shop 
Walker, Camie - 3001 N. Walnut Creek Drive - Painting at Roberta Tipps Elementary 
Ward, Ed - Creekwood 2100 Cannon Drive - Singing, Games and Devotional at Pavillion 

Indoor Service Opportunities West Campus

Hall, Joyce - Ridge West, Kitchen - Prepare sack lunches for Union Gospel Mission
Waldrep, David - 1315 Highway 1187 #115, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Allies in Youth Development packing and sorting boxes

Outdoor Service Opportunities 360 Campus

Atwell, Kip - 2423 Hillary Trail, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Inside and outside housework
Atwell, Kip - 1 Cortina Ct, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Yardwork
Bauer, Cody - Pray at Lake Ridge HS, Mary Lilliard IS, Danny Jones MS, Judy Miller Elementary
Betzel, Al - 202 South Main Street - Clean Station and vehicles at Fire Station #1 
Bingham, Michael - 1307 Palm Street - Yardwork 
Boehmisch, Landon - 1044 East Dallas - Yardwork and tree trimming 
Brandes, John - 1711 Country Club Drive - Clean Station and vehicles at Fire Station #2 
Brown, Kelly - 112 Silverwood Drive - Yardwork and clean windows 
Capps, Ron - Pray at Mansfield HS, Mary Orr IS, Wester MS, Willie Brown Elementary
Capps, Ron - 812 Waterview - Fence Repair 
Erby, Bruce - 1910 Nugent Dr, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Repair concrete driveway
Erby, Erik - Trailer Team #2 Remove Trash and debris
Freeman, Bobby - 300 Live Oak - Trim tree limbs 
Graves, Nathan - 701 Nightingale - Yard work and tree trimming 
Grigsby, Randy - 305 Wildwood Ct - Removing brush
Hedger, Sean - 4444 National Parkway Grand Prarie - Clean Station and vehicles at Fire Station #5 
Henshaw, Michael - 409 Chimney Hill - Yardwork and clean up 
Hinton, Jarrod - 920 N Holland Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Baseball field maintenance at Skinner Sports Complex
Hood, Norm - 3208 Rustic Meadow Trail - Gate repair and trim hedges 
Ladd, Judd - 3100 East Broad Street - Clean station and vehicles at Fire station #3 
Lancaster, Jason - 500 Elm Street - trim tree limbs 
Lawson, Kyle - Cemetery Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Lawn, tree and flowerbed maintenance at Mansfield Cemetery
Littlefield, David - Pray at Summit HS, Cross Timbers IS, Howard MS, DP Morris Elementary
Livingston, Greg - 1214 Rosa - Fence Repair 
Loy, Chris - 1412 Concho - Fence repair 
McReynolds, Jim - 940 Noah - Property maintenance
Melton, Marty - 1805 Clayton - Fence repair
Myers, Bill - 219 Juniper Street - Clean Yard 
Nutley, Rod - 810 North St, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Yardwork at 810 and 814 North Street
Olson, Katie - 203 South 3rd Avenue - Trim tree limbs and yard maintenance
Padilla, Juan - Pray at Timberview HS, Icenhower IS, James Cobel MS, Thelma Jones Elementary
Parkes, Alton - 1356 Breckenridge Road - Gate and fence repair
Peoples, Roger - 207 Laurel Drive  -Yardwork 
Ray, Jason - 227 Morgan - Repair wheelchair ramp
Ray, Jason - 208 Hillcrest -Weather proof wheelchair ramp and repair loose boards 
Ritchie, Jerry - 910 Johnsbury Ln, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Yardwork
Rogers, Chris- 704 Manchester Dr, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Build a wheelchair ramp at (To be done the first week of October)
Roman, Rusty - 905 Cope - Mowing and cleaning up property
Scheer, Tom - 1513 Lincoln Drive - Garage clean up
Simmons, Todd - 1318 Honeysuckle - Property maintenance at 
Sproul, Marilyn - Walnut Ridge, Garden - Gardenwork at the WRBC Garden
Sublet, William - 1411 Concho - Fence repair 
Thomas, Steven - 219 Juniper Street - Washing Outside Windows
Walker, Bill - 101 Forest Glen Drive - Yardwork
Walker, Matt - 1340 Wood - Property maintenance
Williams, Brandt - Trailer Team #1 Remove Trash and debris

Outdoor Service Opportunities West Campus

Boortz, Chad - Pray at Legacy HS, Donna Shepard IS, Linda Jobe MS, Alice Ponder Elementary
Collins, Kyle - 6350 Newt Patterson Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Mulching, Weeding, Mowing at Camp Anothen: All equipment provided
Feucht, David - 6350 Newt Patterson Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Mulching, Weeding, Mowing at Camp Anothen: All equipment provided
Harman, Andrew - 1008 Kennedale Sublett Rd, Kennedale, TX 76060 - Yardwork
Metzger, Curt - 150 S 6th Ave, Mansfield, TX 76063 - Outside Maintenance at HIM Center
Petty, Jeff - 6655 Rendon Bloodworth - Tree Training, wash vehicles, security light install
Reyes, Ramiro - Fire station #4 1954 North Main Street - Clean stations and vehicles
Reece, Jeremy - Trailer Team #3 Remove trash and debris
Southern, Justin - Trailer Team #4 Remove trash and debris