
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

Why Give?

We give as a response to the gift of mercy we've received from God through Jesus. We don’t give out of obligation or to earn God’s favor—we give as an outpouring of a heart that worships Jesus. Giving is an act of worship. God loves a cheerful giver. As we give generously, our lives are transformed to look more like Jesus. It teaches us to trust God and submit everything to Him because everything we have comes from Him. When we give generously, God is glorified, our hearts are transformed, and lives are changed in Mansfield and around the world. 

Why Give to Walnut Ridge?

As a church, we deeply value the ways in which we steward our finances. Every dollar spent is done for the flourishing of God’s kingdom and the mission He’s called us to. Sometimes that means spending money to keep the lights on in our office and other times it means sending financial support to our goers overseas. We care deeply about the “why” behind every dollar we spend because we want to steward each dollar in a way that advances God’s kingdom. 

Ways to Give

We recommend setting up recurring gifts through one of the ways below! These recurring gifts help our church wisely plan for the use of resources and manage cash balances. If you set up recurring giving, you’ll receive an email confirmation for each gift that helps you keep track of your gifts and will serve as a reminder of a worshipful and faithful act!

Bank Account (ACH)

Debit Card

Credit Card

Other Ways to Give

We recommend setting up recurring gifts through one of the ways below! These recurring gifts help our church wisely plan for the use of resources and manage cash balances. If you set up recurring giving, you’ll receive an email confirmation for each gift that helps you keep track of your gifts and will serve as a reminder of a worshipful and faithful act!

Checks & Bill Pay

This is the church’s preferred method for giving large, one-time gifts because it eliminates transaction fees.

Checks can be made payable to “Walnut Ridge Baptist Church” and dropped off at any campus during service or mailed to:
Walnut Ridge Baptist Church
ATTN: Finance Office
1201 S.H. 360
Mansfield, TX 76063

Stocks & Mutual Funds

Giving appreciated securities like stock or mutual funds often allows you to maximize your giving!
While selling a security could result in a capital gains tax liability, giving appreciated stock directly to the church could help you avoid that tax.**
If you'd like more information about giving stock or mutual funds, please email
**As always, please consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to see if this could be a good way to give for you.

IRA Distributions & Estate Planning

IRA Distributions
Giving from your IRA is a great way to support the church, especially to satisfy a required minimum distribution.** Please refer to the IRS website for more information.
Estate Planning
‍Walnut Ridge Baptist Church can be listed as a beneficiary in a will, trust, or life insurance policy.
If you'd like more information about IRA distributions or estate planning, please email
**As always, please consult with a tax professional and financial advisor to see if this could be a good way to give for you.

What Giving Supports

Your giving supports the mission of our church to Love God, Love Others, and Make Disciples. To understand how your giving impacts this mission, please view our audited financials.

Walnut Ridge Baptist Church conducts a yearly audit from an outside third party accounting firm.  Our goal is to honor God with complete transparency when it comes to the gifts to this church.

Love god
love others
make disciples