Good Book: The Professor

Jun 9, 2024    James Scarborough

PROMISE: Stick with us for 5 weeks... and you'll experience greater CONFIDENCE and more ENJOYMENT from reading the Bible on your own!

Today's Notes:

1. The Bible is not really a book, it is a LIBRARY with two COLLECTIONS

2. The Bible came to us through a historical PROCESS that we can investigate

3. The biggest catalyst of spiritual growth is to READ God's message to you daily

Today's Scripture References:

Acts 17:10-12 NLT (Sermon)

The 5 personas:

Professor    Grasp basics       What must I know?

Athlete       Build habits       How can I grow?

Detective    Ask questions       What do I see?

Time Traveler   Experience cultures   What was it like?

Prospector    Dig for truth       How does it work?


- The Bible is a collection of writings containing copies of 66 ancient documents that were written by hand

- Accepted by believers for 2000 years as inspired by God

- Gathered in two different time periods

- Recording two distinct agreements between God and humanity

- Authored by 40 different people

- Written to people in ancient cultures who lived on the other side of the globe

- Addressing issues and concerns specific to local groups of people who lived 2000-3500 years ago

- Now translated into English from one of three languages no longer spoken

- Yet spoke God-given truth to all people for thousands of years and continues to speak to us today